Thursday, September 10, 2015

Our Brains On Video Games (Part Two)

Do video games really make us smarter? My claim is that yes; they do. Video games lengthen our attention span while also making us better multitaskers. This is proven by recent research and studies. 
Think about it. Playing video games is going to make our attention span longer because we're constantly focused, and our brain is constantly alert while playing the game. Also, we're naturally going be better at multitasking because in most video games we problem solve in our mind while while running through buildings or shooting at things. Imagine how a longer attention span and being a better multitasker would help children (and myself) in the classroom! 
While I strongly believe video games make us smarter, it's important to note that they only make us smarter playing them in moderation. Too much time spent playing video games is called binging, (indulging in activity to excess.)

In other words, limit yourself.              
                                                              Link To Photo Below


1 comment:

  1. I think you made a good claim and gave good evidence to back it up. I also like that you included that it's only good in moderation and to limit yourself.Good Job!:)
