Friday, September 4, 2015

Education Needs A Digital Upgrade

In an article titled "Education Needs A Digital Upgrade",  Virginia Heffernan talks about how what we're teaching today's students and how we're teaching today's students isn't going to be relevant and useful to their future. Technology seems to progress at a constant rate anyways, so in 10-20 years there will be so many new jobs that require the use of this new technology. Who will be expected to have these jobs? That's right; us! I personally feel we will not be prepared enough if we continue to teach without the use of technology in today's classrooms. Therefore, I agree when Virginia says, "Simply put, we can't keep preparing students for a world that doesn't exist."

In this video young kids are using technology to learn in the classroom which is a new sight for me to see because I hardly used technology in the classroom ever. The adults in the video are talking about how they are open to evolving with the time and changes in our society in order to create a future in which today's students can survive in.
This picture motivates me to not be that person! Technology sucks to learn sometimes but as long as you keep trying you'll eventually grasp it and progress with it; which is a plus!
The Three Pillars - check out this link to an interesting article about how the textbook, lecturer, and classroom are the crumbling walls of "21st century learning." This article reveals thee new walls that we need to build in order to really arrive at 21st century learning.

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