Sunday, October 25, 2015

Media Literacy Lesson Plan

As students analyzed this Art Magazine Cover they might ask who created the article? The should recognized what audience this cover is trying to reach. They should notice the text in red is trying to catch the readers eye and also that there are sell-lines.

Teacher of the Year

In my magazine cover I applied the following three persuasion techniques to the making of my magazine cover. I used association by showing how to keep your room looking fabulous. I used bandwagon by providing the newest trends to keep your students attentive. EVERYONE is using them. ;) I used my face as the front cover because the picture was decent looking enough to maybe attract one person in the universe to pick up the magazine.
I also used grammatical techniques, polysemous, and sell lines on my magazine cover. For example: Exclusive Interview: p.49

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Media Literacy

Teaching media literacy in school is very important because we need to be able to recognize the validity and reputability of the information we're looking at. Students are spending more and more time online which is why we need to learn how to better online critical readers. Online reading demands different skills than reading print only text does. Such demands would consist of being able to make critical judgments and making sense of information.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Learning Styles Don't Exist

   I agree with Howard Gardner on the topic of multiple intelligences that we don't need to teach in eight different ways because there are eight intelligences. We just need to make sure that we are teaching children in a way that we are reaching them. If we aren't reaching them then we need to ask "Are there other ways to teach them?" 
   Gardner explains that interviewing someone would be more effective because it gives us something to hold onto compared to just memorizing facts.  We may memorize things for the moment or just long enough to take the test, but after to years where is that information? Gone. He also says that we teach way too much material and way too many subjects. If we make a few priorities and go into them very deeply, we'll take more away. So in claiming that learning styles do not exist, we are not saying that all learners are the same. Instead, we assert ability, background knowledge, interest vary from person to person and are known to affect learning.
     In a counter argument, learning styles do exist. According to a magazine article, teachers who have taught long enough recognize that students learn in different ways.
My MI strengths are spatial, musical, & nature.